A free Youtube interview with Ike Baker of the Arcanvm podcast
On lyrical magic, pre-Socratic worldviews, & the Orphic binding of Ares
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ike Baker of the Arcanvm podcast (and the substack publication From the Sunroom).
Our conversation ranged widely over all things Orphic and esoteric:
my own background and original interest in the ancient world
the importance of early religious experiences
what the Orphic Mysteries were about
the astral knowledge transmitted in the Orphic Hymns
the nature of esoteric/magical language
a close look at the way language works in the Orphic Hymn of Ares (Mars).
Enjoy! And please let Ike and me know in the comments what in particular resonated with you in this talk, because we’re planning on collaborating more in the future.