It's Time to Unleash the Furies
New translation drops 2/12/25 and LIVE CHAT on 2/16/25 @2pm EST
That’s it. That’s the message.
I’m fed up, literally sick to my stomach about what’s happening in Amerikkka, and ready to (metaphysically, at least) kick some ass. (I mean, I’m not saying we should all be summoning them and siccing them on certain individuals, but I’m also not NOT saying that.)
Enter the Furies: snake-haired goddesses of retribution for blood-crimes, whose prime directive is to punish evil-doers in the bowels of Hades.
Or is that really the whole story?
Find out all about the Orphic “take” on these Avenging Goddesses of Justice in my new translation of the Orphic Hymn and accompanying Live Chat. I anticipate that this one will focus not just on the myth and Hymn of the Furies themselves, but also on some of the esoteric and magical implications of the Hymn! Good, timely stuff.
New translation drop will be Wednesday, February 12.
Live Chat for Sustaining Subscribers will be Sunday, February 16, 2pm EST. Link is below.