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Live Chat 10/27/24 Recording!

List of topics (w time stamps) below

For all my sustaining subscribers, here is the recording of the Live Chat held on October 27, 2024.
Here’s the Live Chat, with approximate time stamps:

  • Reading of my new translation of the Hymn of Mnemosyne

  • Discussion of my book project, a hymn book/devotional I’m working on for Revelore Press.

  • 15:22 Craig Slee’s question about the non-transcendental/non-hierarchical/non-dual nature of Orphism.

    • Historical dating and pre-Platonic vs. post-Platonic philosophies

    • My own embodied experience of the hymns as increasing my interpenetration in/with the cosmos, including a few anecdotes about what that looks like in my day-to-day life.

  • 24:20 Craig makes a compelling point about the INTERNAL work of astrology. The starry cave as internal to ourselves.

  • 27:15 Modern Mediterranean trance traditions (e.g. Egyptian Zar, Sicilian Tarantella) and how they may inform our understanding of the Orphics. Spirit work and hymns/songs as diagnostic and healing tools.

  • 32:05 The winds (atmospheric and internal) and their relationship to trance and the Orphic Hymns. Also possible connection to Himalayan Tantra.

  • 38:50 “Rationality” and the ancient Greeks, and how it relates to Memory (Mnemosyne).

  • 44:10 Other academic books on the Orphics and a recommendation for Anthi Chrysanthou’s book. I don’t always agree with her, but which is very well-researched and DOES understand that the Orphics are astrally oriented — which is not the case for any other academic works out there (which is why I don’t recommend any of them).

  • 48:00 Raimundo Leong’s question on the numbering and grouping of the hymns.

    • How the structure of the Hymn collection might have worked in ritual, including my “bucket list” dream of translating all the Hymns and being able to perform them in community

    • 21st century rituals for the ancient Mysteries: making them relevant for us, now.

  • 57:35 Raimundo Leong’s point about how HUMAN the Hymns are, and how “constellations” of hymns might be therapeutic for individuals

  • 59:20 Ifé’s questions about a) versions/editions of the Orphic Hymns and how they’re arranged, and b) the role of Hekate in the hymns.

    • 1:04:05 The Orphic Hymns as they appear in the actual original Greek manuscripts (kept in various rare book libraries)

    • 1:07:20 Hekate’s evolution throughout ancient Greek history — Her appearance in the Orphic Hymns vs. in the later Chaldean Oracles (a collection of writings from Hellenistic Greece). Naji (aka NM Thomen) and I talk about Hekate’s cosmic role. You might also want to check out Naji’s work on the ancient Greek folk traditions related to Hekate.

  • 1:23:24 Closing: Reading of the Orphic Lamella (gold tablet) I recently translated and discussed in my Astromagia talk.

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