
Recording of the Live Chat 1/7/23

In which we discuss the Moon, Cave Art, Orphic Cosmology, Devotional Practice, Aphrodite/Adonis, and the Planetary Hymns

Hello everyone!

Just in time for Mars stationing direct…the video of the first Mysteria Mundi Live Chat! It was such a delicious start to the new year, and one that we’ll repeat in the months to come (as soon as I work out a good, sustainable schedule).

A Table of Contents with Time stamps below, and links to articles/items discussed in each of these portions of our conversation.

We opened w intros & then…

  • 5:00 How we Chant/Sing the Orphic Hymns & “The Practice” in/as Daily Life

    • 9:45 Bear Ryver talks about life as meditation (thanks, Bear!)

    • 11:30 Justin shares a podcast recommendation (re: Hermes) for “Let’s Talk about Myths, Baby” episode that aired Dec 27, 2022

    • 16:00 How practice changes over time

    • 17:00 A funny story about Mars and coffee

  • 18:48 The Moon & Paleolithic Cave Art

  • 35:32 The Orphic Hymns are the Cosmology underlying Hellenistic Astrology

    • 37:32 The Horoscope Board as a Wheel of Initiation. Bear references a talk by Art Jones (we’re still working on figuring out which one it was…so drop a comment if you happen to know, and I’ll put in a link)

  • 41:35 Adonis & Venus in the Orphic Hymns

    • 42:35 Aphrodite as both female (eveningstar) & male (morningstar), as inherited from Mesopotamian and Levantine astrology

    • 44:45 Grief as a Face of Aphrodite

    • 46:10 Aphrodite as Mother of Necessity (Greek: Ananke)

    • 48:10 Climate Grief and Aphrodite, and the Moon’s role in helping us move through that Grief

    • 50:21 Dogs & the Moon

  • 54:09 Ancient Cosmology as a Fractal of Scale

    • 56:22 More on Aphrodite, this time in Her role in Orphic Cosmology

    • 57:04 Comparing Aphrodite’s “Bindings” with those of Saturn

    • 59:10 Greek Philosophy and Cosmology as it relates to Fate/Necessity/Ananke

  • 1:02:07 A proposal for an experiment with the Orphic Hymns for the Planetary Nights

A huge shout-out to everyone who attended—those you will see onscreen and those who participated in the chat!

Here’s to a wonderful year of many more chats together.

Yours in the stars,


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