Yo, pull UP!!! (As we say here in Brooklyn) This Sept 2-3 I’m going to be at the Astrological Magic Conference in downtown NYC!!!
I’ll be speaking on the ancient Orphic Mysteries and how they present us with the counter-cultural, astrologically-based eco spirituality that we all so desperately crave in these apocalyptic times.
Tell me a little more about your talk!
Entitled “Workings of Lead, Workings of Gold: The Countercultural Magic of the Orphic Hymns,” the talk looks at the enigmatic gold tablets that Orphic initiates took to their graves—tablets that contained specific instructions for how to navigate through the Underworld, including what to say to Persephone when they finally had a chance to stand before Her throne.
What’s so special about these gold tablets is that they contain very detailed astrological and spiritual advice…BUT its all encoded in “Mystery Language,” which is to say in puns, wordplay, and images that are difficult to understand without the proper context (including reading ancient Greek).
To this date, no one has successfully figured out exactly what these gold tablets mean in their entirety.
I’ll be offering my interpretation of them, which (if I do say so myself) presents a clear, simple, and coherent explanation for the secret Mystery teachings they encode.
What gets me so excited about these gold tablets is that they offer us a glimpse at an indigenous European form of animist worship that has at its core a profound desire to be united with Earth and Starry Sky, and to achieve mutual liberation together, in community.
Sound like something we need? Yup, I thought so. So if you’re anywhere within driving/bus/train distance of NYC, please come join me.
What’s the rest of the conference about?
There are SO MANY good speakers at this event—all addressing different aspects of astrological magic. You can read the full line-up here. I’m particularly excited to hear about the personal daemon from astrological icon Sam Reynolds, about poetics and prayer from Idola Stellarum’s Rain Mason Olber, on geomancy and dream divination from Mychal A. Bryan, and to finally meet my fellow Orphic enthusiast Sara Mastros, whose take on the hymns differs somewhat from my own, but whose work I tremendously respect.
Also, please note that there’s an additional astrological talisman-making workshop (to make a Cassiopeia ring) at the end of the conference that one can sign up for in advance. More details on that can be found on the site.
Will there be time to chat and socialize?
Yes! I’ll be attending the whole conference, so there will be plenty of downtime (and dinner/after-parties!) to chat and get to know each other.
Do I have to attend both days of the conference?
Nope. You can buy single-day tickets if you want. All the details, including pricing, are at the conference page linked in the button below.
Finally, if you think you know someone who would enjoy this conference, please pass the word along by sharing this post!
Hope to see you all there!