Upcoming Live Chat Times (Nov & Dec 2024)
Conversation, Hymns, and Q&A for Sustaining Subscribers
Times are tough. Tea, sympathy (emotional and magical), and mutual support through geeking out about ancient Orphic Hymns are what the doctor orders! (At least, if your doctor is Asclepius and/or Apollo.) 🙂
Join me and other Sustaining Subscribers for two live chats before the end of the calendar year:
*** Sunday, November 17th (2-3:30pm EST) ***
*** Saturday, December 14th (2-3:30pm EST)***
Here’s the agenda for November:
Opening Hymn (Orphic Hymn of Dike/Justice)
At the request of my fellow academic/devotee
, a brief review of academic scholarship that supports dating the Orphic hymns to a pre-Socratic time period. (I’ll also be sharing some excellent resources for those of you who like to dive deep, some of it in French and Italian.)Open Q&A
Closing Invocation (Orphic Hymn of Mnemosune)
I’ll send out December’s topic(s) du jour closer to the date.
Scroll to the end of the post for the link and pertinent info.
And for making it this far, some pictures of me dressed as Hekate for a little Halloween/Dark Moon get-together I had the other week!