You are Always Already Profoundly Resourced for What's to Come
And also New Live Chat Dates for Jan, Feb, Mar 2025!
Don’t Believe the Hype
There are lots of jokes going around on the interwebs right now about how much we’re all dreading 2025. And I get it — I’m deeply troubled by the very real damage our various world crises are unleashing, as well as how disproportionately some of us suffer the violence from the systems of power that seem to be tightening their grip on the most vulnerable.
That said, I want to offer a counterpoint to the relentless hopelessness offered up by social media, by reminding you of one of the most enduring lessons I am constantly being re-taught by my Orphic translations:
We always already exist within the loving embrace of the All, and the knowledge (nay, the bone-deep CERTAINTY) that we are “children of Earth and Starry Sky” is available to us each and every moment, no matter how afraid or confused or lonely or angry or sad we are.
The Orphic Hymns teach us that we are NOT actually separated from each other and from the cosmos, but rather, are always already in relationship. We are always already home with the earth and sky and stars and rocks and trees and animals, and yes, even each other. The very simple and extremely difficult task is to remember our mutual identity, our mutual inter-being, as we go about our days.
That’s what our world is in need of right now, in my humble opinion: not just more people who recognize the inter-dependent, fractal nature of the cosmos, but people who ACT ON and OUT OF that deep remembered knowledge.
The Orphic Hymns — whether spoken individually as part of a personal devotional practice, or studied more intensively in community as we do in our regular Live Chats (or both) — can be an important part of keeping ourselves honest in our journey.
For our tendency, as modern folk, is to unwittingly drift towards a subtly dualist worldview — one that separates body from spirit, matter from energy, earth from heaven.
There’s no shame in this tendency of ours towards what I’m going to call “dualist drift.” The industrial capitalist colonialist narrative is strong. But keeping ourselves and our actions accountable to our most deeply remembered “knowings” (gnosis in Greek) requires setting up a structure that supports us in aligning our real life with spiritual truths. The hymns, with their strange, fractal, not-easily-flattened-into-dualism worldview offer us a beautiful way to re-call ourselves to the All. I’d invite you to consider how you can use them in your own practice this year.
SAVE THE DATES: Live Chats for Jan-Mar 2025
Speaking of years, it’s been one of the great pleasures of my 2024 to have been able to share the ancient and very fresh esoteric wisdom of the Orphic Hymns with you. I hope you’ll join me and other sustaining members in our coming year’s monthly Live Chats!
The dates for the first quarter of 2025 are as follows. I’ll release topics and links as we get closer to each month’s meeting.
Sunday, Jan 12th, 2pm EST
Sunday, Feb 16th, 2pm EST
Saturday, Mar 8th, 2pm EST (note this one’s on a Saturday!)
Hope to see you at one or all of the above chats!
Many, many blessings on your 2025,
Thank you for this, Kristin! 🙏💫💛