You should subscribe to Mysteria Mundi if…

Your happy place is a cozy reading nook in a library filled with books on animism, astrology, and esoterica.

You've developed (or aspire to develop) a spiritual practice based on harmony with the cosmos, and you're ready to go deeper.

Your practice has always involved Ancient Mediterranean myth and magic, or if you're entirely new it.

Whether you're an old hand or just beginning, you know that you're ready to connect with the rich and vibrant spirituality of the ancient Mediterranean ancestors—the ones who brought us the myths and religions of Greece, Rome, Egypt, and the ancient Near East.

The ones who brought us astrology as it is practiced in the West today.

But there's a glitch...because, let's face it, not many of us read ancient languages.

Or have the time to wade through all the primary sources to ensure we have the right context and nuance to get the most from our study.

And to top it all off, because you care, you want to make sure you're getting your information from a source you can trust.

As both a classically trained academic scholar of Greco-Roman magic and a life-long spiritual practitioner, I've spent over 30 years developing and honing an approach to the ancient texts that is both rigorous and reverent. (Read my bio here.)

My life’s work is to foster connections across time and space, and to facilitate conversation with both the ancient ancestors (human and other-than-human) and the cosmos we share with them.

What are the different levels of access?

Free Newsletter

The NEWSLETTER is FREE to everyone. It contains essays and thoughts on whatever ancient mystical/magical material is currently catching my eye. Or my philosophical musings. Or a focus on a particular figure from history or myth. Or a random thought that’s been haunting me. You get the picture.

Paid Subscription

My NEW TRANSLATIONS of THE ORPHIC HYMNS (and other ancient texts) are available to newsletter subscribers when you upgrade to PAID SUBSCRIPTION.

Translations of new texts come out whenever I think they are “done.” Sometimes that’s once every few weeks or a month, sometimes a little longer. My process involves historical and philological (i.e. linguistic) research, meditation, more research, more meditation, divination & prayer/conversation with the deities and ancestors who are named in (and/or wrote) the texts, and then a period of “letting it sit” to see what comes. There are commentaries along with each text, to help you understand the translation choices and original meaning.

In other words, the translation process is no small thing. Your paid subscription helps me keep the translations coming. The more subscribers, the less worrying I have to do about other ways to make a living, the more time I can devote to translations that truly get to the heart of this rich esoteric material. (You can find more on why my translation methodology, and what makes them different, here.) If you find them valuable, please spread the word widely—word of mouth, social media, etc.

Founder-level subscriptions

FOUNDER-LEVEL SUBSCRIPTIONS get you all of the above plus BONUS CONTENT…audio readings of the hymns or texts in both Ancient Greek and English, occasional slideshows or gallery images of items related to the text—whatever I feel is necessary or pertinent to give you the deepest possible understanding of the material. Plus 20% off any online webinar or class I offer.

Subscribe at the free, paid, or founder levels to access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update!

May our interweavings bring us into greater harmony with our living cosmos.


The Mysteria Mundi newsletter is free. To support my translation & teaching work, please consider a paid or “founder level” subscription.

Subscribe to Mysteria Mundi

Ancient Mediterranean wisdom and resources for becoming sacred ground


Poet, Classicist, educator, translator. Ancient Mediterranean esoterica nerd. Converser with trees & sparrows. Compiler of potions. Unrepentant cat-worshipper. Brown, Princeton, & Columbia alum. Mom to one. Spiritual auntie to many.