Kristin! I celebrate this bold yet, for me as well, truthful telling of how what disrupts our "peace" or "stasis", our ancestors knew would make us the expansive beings in human skin suits. So many traditions outside of the modern Western perspective accept, care for, and celebrate the humans who, due to trauma or other experiences, expand and whose perspectives are held *as wisdom and guidance* for the communities they are in and serve. It stands in our contemporary society that survivors of drastic, dynamic, volatile experiences that disrupt the consciousness are hurriedly rushed in (again, like you say, with many good intentions), and hope that we can "normalize" again. Earth and Stars call to us and, with cosmic comic winks in their eyes, ask us: "What is normal?1" is a volcano or earthquake normal? An anglerfish's attributes? A supernova or the collision of galaxies? How about the procreative processes of microbes? The joy that comes from taking "normalizing" away and holding evolution, transformation, and the ecstasy of Beingness and Becoming are the pulse of life.

Anyhoo, this is wonderful work you send out to us, and I'm very grateful to have a sibling in the wild wonders of Mediterranean animism and mysticism--the stuff in our bone, marrow, and blood!

So Much Love,

Jeremy (aka Apollo of the Ravines)

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Thank you so much, Jeremy/Apollo! I love your enumerations of the fractal faces of abnormal/normal phenomena…looking forward to speaking more and sharing our mutual love of all things Orphic! ❤️🙏

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There’s a very simple soul retrieval process you can do. All you need to do is say “i ask for any pieces of my soul that are ready, to please come back to me now, you are welcome here, cleansed and healed. “ that’s it! Say many times over many days, and you will feel a shift as they settle back into your biofield.

As far as being a portal for other beings - you tread on dangerous ground. It might be fun and dramatic at times. But this can lead into schizophrenia and loss of your body altogether should a stronger being walk-in. Listening and hearing trees, rocks, animals, even buildings and machines isn’t allowing them into your body. Everything is alive, everything has something to say.

This might not be what you wanted to hear. Blessings and thank you for your sharing here.

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Thanks, Abby. I appreciate your point here. One certainly does have to ask who one is "talking" to, and discriminate well. I think my point, though, is a little different, and is geared at the idea that a wound is a lack—a hole that needs to be filled and smoothed over. Instead, the exploration of our wounds as sources of wonder and even power offers a different path for trauma survivors than that usually offered by mainstream and academic discourse around the subject. The goal then becomes not to appear as though the wound never happened, or even stitch it up so it's the best and most unnoticeable fix possible, but to stand in the wound and use its inter-dimensional possibilities as forms of unexpected and wonder-full repair.

Bayo Akomolafe and Sophie Strand are two thinkers working in this mode, as is Vanessa Andreotti. I'd highly recommend all their work if you're interested, because you do rightly point out the possible dangers involved, especially for those just starting the healing process. Andreotti in particular has done amazing work with indigenous folk in Brazil, and has a very complex (and yet easy to understand) "take" on what healing and wound repair can look like in a non-Western, communal setting.

Thanks again for engaging. I really do think this is an important conversation.

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It’s so interesting to me how important language is - I’m in Ireland and I’m doing similar work. It wasn’t clear in how you expressed it, but that’s a cultural difference. Our inner saboteur can become our greatest ally. Embracing the dark in ourselves as well as the light. We are birthing a new world into being 🙏🏻 I appreciate your response. I’ve published many books on this myself. Namaste.

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