Sitemap - 2023 - Mysteria Mundi
The Orphic Hymns to Hestia & Okeanos (aka The Milky Way) PLUS the video of my Astromagia 2023 talk!
The Orphic Hymn of Chthonic Hermes, Fugitive Trickster of the 5th dimension
Who was Orpheus and What are the Orphic Hymns?
The Orphic Hymn to Justice (Dikē)
I'll be speaking at Astromagia
Audio Version of "Haunted by Adonis"
An event on the astrology of the Orphic Hymns
Kristin Mathis TalkTalkTalks the Art of Translation
FREE Video teaching on the Orphic Hymns to the Planets
Commentary on The Orphic Hymn to Adonis, Part I
Upcoming IRL Talk on the Orphic Mysteries!
Hymn to Hermes Commentary Part 2
Audio Versions of the Hymn to Hermes
Hymn to Hermes Commentary Part One
New Translation of the Orphic Hymn to Hermes/Mercury
Class Syllabus & Orphic Hymn List for STAR
Sparking Your Muse with the Orphic Hymns
STAR: A 3-month journey of Orphic Initiation!!!
Audio Teaching on Fractal Animism & Pluto
Audio Versions of the Hymn to Pluto
A New Translation of the Orphic Hymn to Pluto/Hades
A Trippy Trip to the Underworld
Classes on Planetary Personalities & our Erotic Cosmos
Ares Resources for Aries Season (and Mars in Cancer, and New Moon in Aries, etc etc)
Reminder that LiveChat Starts at 7pm EST TODAY!!!
Audio Teaching on Kronos/Saturn & the Time-Space Continuum
Live Chat TOMORROW 3/19 7pm EST (For real this time!)
Live Talk RESCHEDULED for 3/19 7pm EST
REGISTER for FREE livestream tomorrow, 3/12/23, 7pm EST
Audio Recordings of the Orphic Hymn to Kronos/Saturn
A New Translation of the Orphic Hymn to Kronos (Saturn)
Becoming Children of Earth and Starry Sky (Audio)
Becoming Children of Earth and Starry Sky
"Erotic Cosmos" class TODAY, 2/18 2-4pm EST
Get your cozy Friday Night youtube-n-chill on!
Class tomorrow (2/18): "Erotic Cosmos: The Orphic Hymns as Medicine for our time"
A Valentine's Day Translation of Sappho 2
Audio Teaching/Commentary on the Orphic Hymn to the Moon, Part 1
My Translation of Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite
Audio Recordings of the Orphic Hymn to Selene/Moon
Understanding the Hidden Mysteries of the Orphic Hymn to the Moon, Pt 1
Revealing the Mysteries, or, My New Translation of the Orphic Hymn to the Moon (Selene)
Updated Commentary & Resources for My New Translation of the Orphic Hymn to Ares/Mars
Resources for further reading on the Orphic Hymns
Recording of the Live Chat 1/7/23
Half-hour left before the Live Chat!
Pop-up Live Chat for Paid Subscribers, Saturday Jan 7th, 2-3pm EST